Yada Zhu
Research Staff Member
Dr. Yada Zhu is a research staff member from IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. She is part of the Future of Computing – Finance Research team. Dr. Zhu leads a group of researchers with machine learning and statistics background from international labs to develop foundational AI and ML capabilities to support intelligent investment decision and risk management in dynamic market environment. She is the PI of MIT-IBM AI Lab project funded by Refinitiv and a Mega bank.
Dr. Zhu has been conducting research on high-dimensional time series analysis, machine learning with data from heterogeneous sources and forms, large-scale graph learning, and statistical modeling with applications motivated in finance, e-commerce, smart energy and advanced manufacturing process. She has been a technical lead in a number of analytics projects and contributed to several commercialized IBM products. Her work on Smarter City, Smarter Energy and manufacturing has won IBM Research Division Outstanding Technology Achievement awards and high valuable innovation awards.
Dr. Zhu has published over 40 articles on top venues and served on the editorial board for multiple international journals in the area of statistics and data science, Senior Program Committee (PC) of AAAI, the most influential conference in AI and ML, PC of KDD, IJCAI, etc. She is a senior member of IEEE and professional interest community chair of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining at IBM Research.