Onkar Bhardwaj
AI Engineer
Who they work with
Onkar Bhardwaj is an AI Engineer at MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab at Advanced Prototyping Team, where he leads efforts to translate research concepts into real world prototypes for sponsor companies of the lab by synthesizing cutting-edge AI research, business requirements, software engineering, and user experience.
Prior to joining MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, he has had a diverse academic experience including a Ph.D. in Theoretical Computer Science, M.Eng. in Telecommunication Engineering, and a postdoctoral fellowship at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center in Data Centric Systems. His past work experience spans areas like High Performance Computing (at Computational Research Laboratories), Distributed Systems and DDoS mitigation strategies (at Akamai Technologies). His current and past research interests include Algorithmic Game Theory, Computational Social Choice, Communication Networks, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.